Certified Course

Compliance Training for Texas School Directors

This course provides school administrators (including School Director, Executive Director, Campus President, Dean of Education and senior campus managers) in the state of Texas a working knowledge of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) rules and regulations for career schools and colleges. This course covers all aspects of operations and compliance for administrative-level staff. The how and why details in the areas of Admissions, Administration, Financial Aid, Education and Career Services are covered in a user-friendly, multi-sensory environment that allows the participants to test themselves on compliance issues that are faced on a daily basis. Participants are advised to review the TWC rules and forms via the internet, throughout the course.

This course has been created from the TWC's Statutes and Rules which govern the Career Schools and Colleges. Thanks to TWC's curriculum writers, content specialists and sponsors for providing the core content for this course.. Also, thanks to Career Colleges and Schools of Texas (CCST) for providing the additional content for the interactive features and assessment components of the course.