
Founded in 2002 by Dr. Amir Moghadam, MaxKnowledge® offers cloud-based solutions that drive high-performing career education institutions and advance student success. Endorsed by 50+ esteemed partners and trusted by 4000+ institutions, MaxKnowledge has become the leading talent development organization for the career and technical education (CTE) community.

Supported with a comprehensive set of interactive tools and resources, MaxKnowledge employee professional development platform serves a community of over 240,000 career education professionals with 200+ online courses that lead to CECU’s Certified Higher Education Professional credential awards in teaching, online teaching, admissions, career services, campus operations, and leadership.

MaxKnowledge student career success platform, CareerPrepped®, has become ACTE’s virtual community connecting CTE students, educators and employers in a feature-rich collaborative environment to enable skills-based hiring at scale. CareerPrepped has also been adopted to support ACCSC’s Essential Workforce Skills Programmatic Certification for career schools and colleges nationwide.

MaxKnowledge Founder & CEO
Honored By
"These executives have not only adapted to change, but inspired it. Welcome to the forefront of out-of-the box thinking and creativity.”
Career Education Entrepreneur
Named as one of Career College Central’s top 12 innovators leaping forward with ideas that have influenced the career education realm.
MaxKnowledge Chief Learning Officer
Honored By
“These top leaders have not only excelled in their professions but have gone above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of students.”
Certified Higher Education Professional
Named as one of Career Education Review's top 20 people changing career education.