Certified Course

Admissions Compliance for Postsecondary Schools in Washington

Whether you are new to admissions or very experienced, this course offers essential information for working as an admissions agents in a Washington licensed institution. Admissions agents work in a highly regulated environment. It is vital to know all the rules as set forth by your state plus other regulatory agencies that may oversee your educational institution. In four modules you'll become familiar with Washington rules, the importance of compliance training for admissions agents, plus techniques to learn about your institution and its enrollment processes.

This course is intended for Admissions/Sales Agents working for institutions entirely licensed by the Washington Private Vocational School Licensing and Consumer Protection, Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. This course does not cover regulations pertaining to the Washington Student Achievement Council.

The information presented in this course is for knowledge enrichment of admissions personnel and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. If you have technical or specific issue pertaining to an actual situation it is recommended that you contact your compliance professional, your Attorney or your State Association.
Note: This course is closed for new enrollments and will be retired.